The Pedaler

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Earn Your Aero

Muscle Flexibility and Spinal Mobility

The optimal time trial position in cycling is one that best balances your body, your bike and your event distance. Once these 3 factors have been addressed, you have a baseline in which fit progressions can be made over time to achieve an optimal aerodynamic position. It is important to remember that the best cyclists in the world have been working on their aero positions for many years. You too need to earn your position. In working towards optimal aero you need to be aware of, and address, your muscle flexibility, spinal mobility, off the bike strength, current positional sustainability, training capacity/history as well as your event requirements.

A reminder of the ‘simple’ requirements of aero

What can you do ?

Firstly, Here are some simple tests to work out what needs some attention…

Next, we will do a Spinal Mobility test. This is a combined measure of muscle flexibility, spinal mobility and ability to control your pelvic and spinal position.

Let’s start with some basic exercises….

Note: These exercises should be completed ‘pain’ free. 

In saying that, you might feel some discomfort when completing the exercises with the trigger balls. So start easy and gently progress as able.

Complete the exercises regularly (3-4x/week) to achieve progressive gains over time.

Remember: everyone has different levels of flexibility. Some people are naturally flexible while others require significant time spent on stretching to achieve noticeable changes.