Nail Surgery in Brisbane

Thousands of people all over Brisbane suffer from recurring pain and routine infections around the nail fold. Unfortunately, many of us simply live with the pain and put off finding a permanent solution to ingrown nails. Fear of surgery and recovery often puts people off and they go on living with a fixable issue.

If that sounds familiar, the good news is that modern nail surgery techniques are less invasive and far less painful than older procedures. We use anaesthetic to completely numb the area during the surgery, and the only thing you have to contend with is a short injection. We supply pain management afterwards and most people are back on their feet and returning to work after just a day or two of rest. In most cases, the procedure takes about an hour from start to finish and needs minimal care afterwards.

If you have been suffering from painful ingrown nails, make the time to see us for a permanent solution. At The Pedaler, we screen all nail surgery clients prior to their surgical appointment, so the sooner you make an appointment the sooner we can help.


1.  I'll lose my entire nail  

Not true. In many cases, your nail will look almost normal post-procedure. Some people may need more extensive revisions, but your Podiatrist will discuss that with you if it becomes necessary.

2. It will hurt.

Not true. We use anaesthesia to make our procedures pain free. Even after the anesthesia has worn off your discomfort should be tolerable, and we provide pain management to patients who need it.

3.  It will grow back.

Not true. With good technique and our chemical cauterisation process, there should be minimal regrowth.

4.  I need to go to the hospital to have it done.

Not true. We are able to manage nail surgery at our premises to get you back on your feet sooner.

If you suffer from ingrown nails or nail infections, speak to our team today. We have been performing operations for more than 16 years and would be happy to go over our process and put your mind at ease. Get in touch and let us help you with a permanent solution to your problem.