
The Pedaler offers Free Screening for all Primary School Children*

The Pedaler Podiatry for Children


With The Pedaler situated close to the Primary School Catchments of Milton State School, Rainworth State School and Petrie Terrace State School, we are happy to offer our Podiatry Screening Service to all primary aged students at no gap*.

This allows parents who have queries regarding their child's foot type, or concerns related to Sporting injuries and other aches and pains to have their children assessed and treated with no 'out of pocket' expense.

Our head podiatrist, Nathan White, has two children studying at Milton State School, and understands that parents sometimes have questions that they are hesitant to ask based on costs and time concerns.  This option removes that barrier and allows parents to have their children's feet fully assessed and helpful advice provided.

Simply call or book online at The Pedaler and advise us that you are booking a Primary Screening Session (use the code 'Primary Screening' in the notes section of an online booking) and we will ensure your loved ones are looked after properly.


*No Gap service - we will not charge an out of pocket gap for patients with Podiatry Cover on their Private Health Insurance.  Check with your Private Health Insurance or call us for more details.  Conditions Apply
